Monday, September 12, 2005

Version 4.6 is out !

Version 4.6.0 :
* new : Czech translation
* new : Support for special characters from Arabic, Greek, Russian, Hebrew, Turkish, Asiatic, Baltic, East Europe alphabets
* new : A right-click on the "Help" button shows the FAQ in English or in the language choosen (if available).
* changed : For personnalized version, a click on the "Web Site" button opens the web site of the personnalized version.
* bug : Languages are now readable on computers with Windows 95/98
* bug : Sometimes, when opening the usual mail reading program, a message "Can't open the usual mail reading program" could appear.

This new version is released mainly because some users with Windows 95/98 could not have the translations working. (Translation were saved in Unicode format).
Translations are now saved in ANSI format. To preserve support for accented letters in exotic alphabets ;-) , I had to rewrite some part of the code.
This new version will theorically support accented letters from Turkish, Greek, Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, Asian, Russian and Eastern Europe alphabets.

I would like to thank all the people who sent me a translation :
Luca Gori for the translation in Italian
Klur for the translation in Spanish
Tagor for the translation in Polish
Leif for the translation in Swedish
Clickfish for the German translation
Mark for the dutch translation
And a very special thanks to LuRu for the Czech translation of the program and the FAQ


Anonymous said...

Increible... pero cierto: un excelnte programa y ¡¡¡gratuito!!!
¡Muchas gracias, Michel! por ser tan generoso y regalar un
magnífico programa para presentaciones con imágenes, notas
breves o largas, post-its, envíos internos...,
y casi lo que te de la gana...,
¡contínuas mejoras, todo gratis y en español!
A recomendar
(J.Q. desde España)

Anonymous said...

Bonitinho aplicativo, muito bom e de graça. Parabems ao generosidade do autor¡

Anonymous said...

I love this program. Question: where are the notes stored? I'm reinstalling my operating system (Windows XP) and would like to transfer my notes. Is it possible? Again, brilliant program, and I've tried many in this category!

PrestoNotesMan said...

The notes are stored in 2 files : "PrestoNotes.dat" and "PrestoEvents.dat".
There is also a file "PrestoNotes.ini" that keeps your settings, and a file "NetAdresses.ini" that keeps your contacts (if you use the send/receive over network function).


Anonymous said...

Thank you, awesome!